Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The value of free????

I know it's supposed to be Free Wallpaper Wednesday, but I am running a little behind in my posts and don't know if the wallpapers are even really delivering anything of value to my readers.

The above image of a dandelion was shot using a 50mm F/1.8 lens attached to a set of extension tubes.

I would like to know from you, my readers, what type of content is most valuable to you. Do you like the photography posts [about photography]? Do you like and use the free stuff like textures and wallpapers? Is there something else that you would like me to post about? Leave a comment below and let me know.

1 comment:

Glenn Higgs said...

TBH, I love your photos and your dedication to the craft. Do I read your posts religiously, no. Do I always download your 'free' wallpapers and textures (aside from today I hadn't downloaded anything from you), so no. But that doesn't mean I don't think there is value in doing it.

You have put your time and energy into creating these free items and so your time alone is worth something! Plus putting it out on the internet is getting your work exposure and that is always good. My recommendation, keep your head down and creativity going and continue to crank out your amazing work.

If you feel that what you are doing is becoming pointless, press in harder and/or in addition to what you do on the net expand locally.
