Saturday, April 24, 2010

Wrong End of a Confederate Pistol

Civil War Series 3 of 5, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

The Cheadle Lake reinactment is coming again. Can you believe it has been a year since I took this shot? More fun and from the looks of the weather, maybe a little more sun this year than last.

The battle reinactments are on Saturday and Sunday, May 1st and 2nd. One reinactment is at 11:00 AM and the other is at 3:00 PM. Cheadle is lake is along Highway 20 in Lebanon, Oregon. If you come, be prepared to bring an umbrella in case of rain, long and wide angle lenses, a tripod or monopod, a flash to fill in the darker spots in a tent and a sense of adventure. Fun times can be had by all regardless of weather.... they shoot canons during their reinactment... boom boom! See you there.