Friday, July 4, 2008

Full Moon

Full Moon, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Coming home we ran into this beauty. So I pulled over, at the insistence of my wife, and took a few shots of the moon. I love the treeline silhouette.


Icebow, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

An icebow is phenomenon similar to a rainbow except that it is formed by the refraction of sunlight through cloud suspended ice crystals as opposed to raindrops or other liquid water suspended in the air.

White Green and Yellow

White Green and Yellow, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Just enough colors.


Focused, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

In the zone.


Anticipation, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

The warm up.

From The Garden Of Eden

From The Garden Of Eden, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Use Caution


Numbing, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

The subtle colors against the muted background. This is the way I see the world.

My Best Side

My Best Side, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Unusually Cooperative

In Tune

In Tune, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Hands working to entertain the world.

The Beat of a Different Drum

The Beat of a Different Drum, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Hands at work entertaining the world. This is what I breathe.

Can you see and feel the music

I was able to... and I wanted to share.


Navajo, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Traditional garb... he was gracious enough to stand in the 100 degree sun for me to capture this amazing photo.

Around and Around

Around and Around, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Today I learned about an indoor carosel and had to head over to snap some pictures.

Love is...

Love is..., originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Love is wanting to hold her hand after all these years.