Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Summer's Preview

Yesterday was the best preview of what summer might look like so far this year. Bright. Sunny. Warm, but not too warm. A beautiful day, which cannot be argued. This day would have been missed is not for two things: Having the day off and a good friend with the same motivations to get out and shoot.


Nathan texts me after seeing an instagram post that I was off and asks if I want to go make some art. Of course I do. I always do. So we head out at about noon. Nathan is working on a personal project that is pretty cool, so we headed into an area of the state that would offer up some subjects for Nathan's project.

First we headed into the town.

Then we headed down to the river.

Then we went into the country side for some interesting times.

Thank you Nathan for a fun afternoon of shooting and getting off my ass. I always appreciate that about you.


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