Sunday, January 1, 2012

An Afternoon Creating with Others

Yesterday afternoon I spent a few hours with Nathan Smith, Michael Conkey and Chris David. Only, for the most part, I wasn't shooting. I was the subject. The guys, plus Chris Sabato who was out of town for this shoot, are working together to deliver portraits for each other that communicate the essense of who each of us are... a project that originated with Nathan.

It was cold. It was dreary. It was amazing. It was fun. Spending time with these guys is always entertaining, educational and a huge collaborative super nova of creative energy. I didn't shoot much, since today I was the subject, but afterwards... I was sent loose and had a little fun with my camera.

The location is a building that looks like a abandoned warehouse, but in fact it is a working foundry. The owner, Jackie, was in this day and invited us in to look around. Jackie showed us around and told us stories about the foundry, which he started working at in 1964 and then purchased in the 80s. Jackie was a friendly man willing to take time out of his busy day to talk with us and show us around. 

I walked around capturing some HDR series of the interior for reference in planning a future shoot at the location.

Since it was cold, Jackie fired up a natural gas torch for a little heat. Well, being the 12 year old that I am I was drawn to the fire like a moth to a flame but because I have a slightly bigger brain than a moth I stopped short of getting burned. I got some cool fire textures. One of the things that I love about photographing fire is that with every frame captured, fire is different. Fire is a living and breathing creature that is in a constant state of change. Fire is awesome!

Also... check out my new watermarks for my images. I have developed eight new watermarks for lightroom. There is one for the right, left top and bottom of images in both light and dark versions.

Can't wait to see the results from Nathan, Chris and Michael. Thanks guys for the fun time. 

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