Monday, December 31, 2007

The Polar Bear

For my final post of the year, I thought I present a polar bear taken with a Kodak 800 series digital camera at our local zoo.
Have a safe New Year everyone.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Bamboo Stalk

A drawing of a Bamboo Stalk I drew almost two years ago.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Flag

The American flag is known the world over as the unwaivering sign of freedom. God Bless our troops.. may they return home safe.
This photo was taken in Wisconsin during a the midday last fall using a Kodak 800 series digital camera.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Spring in Bloom

This photo was taken during an overcast spring day using a Kodak 800 series digital camera.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sunset Over Clam Seas

This photo was taken using Nikon 35mm pocket camera and scanned in using an HP Scanner.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Seeing Me Through Her Eyes

This photo was taken during a hot August day by the lake, beneath the shade of a tall fir tree using a Kodak 800 series digital camera.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Mural Phase VI - Completed

The Mural is complete. It took a total of eight days (each Sunday we went down and painted for the entire day... this included the two weeks that my wife worked alone on the sea floor and the ocean before I joined the fun... as well as the four weeks she spent prior painting the rest of the room. For here this project started in September... and is now completed.

This was done for our soon to be delivered niece Gabriel. It was painted with love and we hope that she gets much joy from this. It is huge in scale... it covers a 10' wide by 10' high wall.

Although we are being asked if we would be willing to do it for others (for money) I think my wife and I agree that this was a one time thing. While my wife has painted before (on a much smaller scale; 2x3 canvas) and I have drawn a little, neither of us had ever taken on such a huge project... and aren't looking to repeat it any time soon. But then again, time may make us forget just how big this project was and we may just agree to do it again... but not for some time.

This is the completed Ark.

This is the Dove, painted by my wife.

This is the entire mural taken in two pictures and stitched together, hence the line in the picture.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Mountain Forest

A simple drawing of a mountain and forest.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Unsuspecting Goose

This photo was a difficult shot to get because the goose was so busy cleaning itself. The challenge itself is what made this shot so rewarding. The photo was taken using a Kodak 800 series digital camera.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Lighthouse

The lighthouse on a cold and clear February morning. This photo was taken using a Kodak 800 series digital camera.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The Noah's Ark Mural - Phase IV and V

Below is the work that my wife and I completed on Phase IV and V of the Noah's Ark Mural project. This included finishing the sea life and starting and finishing the Ark. Also included in this phase was drawing the rainbow on to the wall... which is to be painted next week in vibrant colors.


Phase IV

An Angel Fish.

A sample of the plant life.

An Orange Starfish.

The Octopus.

The start of the Ark.

Phase V

The Eel.

The Purple Starfish.

The Completed Ark (without animals as of now).

A composite stitch of the entire mural.

More to come next week. Stay tuned.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Brewing Storm

This photo was taken early one morning, just before the storm blew in at the coast. The Photo was taken using a Nikon Zoom Touch 470 35mm camera thirty minutes after sunrise.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monday, December 3, 2007

The South Fall

The South Fall of Silver Falls State Park. Taken using a Kodak 800 series digital camera.

Thanks for the comment Laurie, glad you liked the photo.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Ducks In The Reflection Pool

This photo was taken using a Kodak 800 series digital camera at the creek next to my work.