Nathan of came over to my house yesterday with an idea. We set up, settled in and began experimenting. It is so much fun to experiment with photography, especially when the idea comes from the creative genius that is Nathan.
We set up a projector as a light source and my finest bottle of Vodka as the subject... I know.. it's not Grey Goose, but I do happen to be on a budget.
By projecting different images on the wall, we were able to shape the light. Many of the projected images were made on the fly, as we shot.
Nathan also has this nifty little program on his Mac that creates varying patterns. Using some special techniques, we were able merge multiple patterns to get some cool results.
Nathan will be teaching this method at the March monthly meeting of the Salem Digital Photo group, Come check out this amazing Salem Oregon Photography Club.
Thanks Nathan for all of fun and education you bring to my creative life.