Friday, January 23, 2009


Lilly, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Lilly against black.


Haystack, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

The view from the top is amazing.

In the Beginning

In the Beginning, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness.

The Blind Crow

The Blind Crow, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

The crow saw more of the world than I ever could.

Universal Birth

Universal Birth, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

I believe in God. I believe in the big bang. Why can't one exist with the other? Why can't one be the result of the other?

Don't Give Up

Don't Give Up, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

The road may be long, lonely and bumpy along the way, but remember that it is the trip that makes the destination all that much better.

For, if you cannot know sorrow, how would you know joy. If you knew nothing of loneliness how would you know love.

You must embrace the dark to know the light. To know pain is only half of the human condition. Embrace both equally and you shall have the fullest of life.

Cold and lonely nights

Cold and lonely nights, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

I stood alone in the snow, dreaming of someone to hold my hand and let me know that everything is going to be alright. Maybe tomorrow.

Prioritizing the Day

Prioritizing the Day, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Take time for yourself so that you can afford the time for others.

Alone in the Woods

Alone in the Woods, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

The forest for the trees is not invisible to me.

For I see the bigger the picture, this thing called life.

Ignoring all of the detail allows me to enjoy the whole picture by missing its flaws.

What have you seen lately?

Befriending Nature

Befriending Nature, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Making a lifelong friend with the bribe of a walnut.