Our friend and fellow photographer, Liz Smith, picked my wife and I up at 2:00 PM Memorial Day afternoon. We didn't stop moving until 8:00 that night. Exhausted, sick (still) and hungry enough to eat and horse and chase the rider, the photos were left unprocessed until now.
Well, I am still sick, although after going to the doctors yesterday and this morning I am finally on Antibiotics and cough syrup with codiene so I can sleep at night. Today was my first and only down day this week and I plowed through the images both my wife and I captured.
First up is mine from the Iris Farm, which was our first stop.
Next up is a sample of my wife's photos from the Iris Farm. Now some samples images from me on our stop in at Dayton. Here is the images from my wife from our stop in Dayton. Now, I get really angry with my wife, because she has a natural gift for photography and doesn't do much with it and it frustrates the hell out of me because she has a natural eye for it, but not the passion that I do. But I love her. When she does grab the camera and use it BAM!!!. She can't tell you the difference between an ISO and an F-Stop (she tells everyone that), but she has no problem putting the camera in Aperture priority and finding some of the most beautiful subjects to photograph.
Thanks Liz for getting out there. If it wasn't for you, we would have stayed home all day.