I hate blogs where people whine and cry about al their life's whoas, but damn talk about challenges!
My car... Let me restate that, my wife and I's, only car decided to throw a rod. Now we are looking at a $1420 repair bill to replace the engine. The replacement engine isn't going to be new. It won't be refurbished. It is going to be out a car that has been setting in a junk yard for who knows how long.
So what is the point of this post if I don't want to one of those whiney-ass-bloggers who can't find a silver lining in a shit-cloud hovering over their lives? It is to make this simple statement:
I hereby declare that I am suing the world!
That's right. I am suing you, you parents, you kids, myself, my wife, my kids and even the evil Taliban. But most importantly my lawsuit is targeted at companies who produce the lowest possible quality and pay the lowest possible wage to make their executives fat-cat rich while we the consumers pay the price.
My lawsuit isn't for much. I don't think that asking $6.5 billion is too much. That comes out to less than a dollar per person in the world. I think that is a far price for the amount of stress and pain that poor craftsman-shit (that was not a typo) has caused me over the years.
So what makes me so special you might ask. Abosultely nothing. But I did think of it first so maybe I am a little special. I am tired of the crap they put on the market. The Walmart quality of products, most of which are made by chinese children at less than a few cents an hour has effectively invaded all aspects of consumer goods.
From a 1999 Chevy POS with less than 130k miles on it to that brand new computer system you bought that will suffer a video card getting fried or a hard drive failure in the next twelve months, everything produced today is of the lowest standard.
So why sue everyone you might ask. Why not just sue the fat-cat CEOs? I understand that the 10 year old making tennis-shoes has to work 17 weeks to make a dollar to pay me, but that same worker has lowered their quality standards and the quality standards all around them and demeaned what it a quality product is, otherwise they, workers of the world, would take a stand to make an affordable quality product that lasted, like they not so long ago. And I am suing you as well as me. You, like me, have settled for the piss-poor craftmenship as "The Way of the World".
I say settle no more and do something about it.
I have to go now... the next drama/trauma has happened in our house. My wife has flash burned her hand and forearm in grease. Time to go play doctor because we can't afford another visit to the hospital and I refuse to settle on their sub-standard care.
Next post should be less whiney and more in line with what I am truly passionate about.