Our memorial day was a beautiful day of friendship, travel, photography and BBQ. The morning started at 9:00AM when our friend, and fellow Studio 247 resident, Liz Smith, showed up at our door. We loaded some lunch, camera equipment and our tired butts into her car and headed down the road. Our desitination? The top of the Oregon Coast Range.
Welcome to Mary's Peak.
[[posterous-content:pid___0]]Mary's peak includes some beautiful water features. Run off from the spring melt creates some amazing water falls and creeks.
[[posterous-content:pid___1]]The top of Mary's Peak was socked in with clouds creating a sense of gloom. And while we never had the chance to see the bounty of beautiful views of the valley as can only be had on top of Mary's Peaks, the view we were presented was stunning none-the-less; it was beautiful.
As we headed back towards home, we stopped for some lunch. After a tasty meal, we hit the road back to Salem. When we arrived at our final destination, I cam across a treasure throve of imagery. Starting with fire.
[[posterous-content:pid___2]]The came the machinery...
[[posterous-content:pid___3]]And finally came the view and surrounding object.
[[posterous-content:pid___4]]My wife finally got some use of her new camera as well.
[[posterous-content:pid___5]]It was an amazing day. Thank you Liz, and Kirsten, for having us out that beautiful day.