Sunday, May 11, 2008


Fire, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Fire during the Treasure Island show.


Explosion, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

An exposion during the Treasure Island show.

The Strip

The Strip, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

Commerce at its peak.

I will be attending the Cirque Du Soleil Love show on Wednesday night. I hear it is great.

Goose Eggs

Goose Eggs, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

An abandoned goose nest with three unhatched eggs. I felt bad for them when I shot this photo (not going to experience the joys of life), but then again maybe it's for the best... because life can be really unjust and mean... which is why they were abondoned in the first place.

Scotch Broom

Scotch Broom, originally uploaded by MonkeyPaw2u.

A new colorful addition to our wetlands.