This my favorite Canadian Goose photo I have taken. The light really added to the mood I have always tried to capture.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
365: Day 4 - Morning Fuel
I don't sleep well when I am on the road. I can't go to sleep and I wake up a dozen times a night. Because of this I need a kick to my system to get me going... and Live Wire is the kick that works best for me.... it's not as bad as you think, The third ingredient is Concentrated Orange Juice.
I used to drink this stuff like water, but have cut back to only a 20oz bottle or two a month. Much less than the four or five a day I was at before.
The New Beginning
One of the best pictures of a flower I have ever taken. The was in the Avery Park Rose Garden. Taken using a Kodak Z740 digital camera.
Mountain Lake
A quite mountain lake in Oregon. This was taken during a fishing trip with my wife and parents using a Kodak Z740 digital camera.
This guy was actually trying to peek around the tree to see me because I moved back. I snapped this photo as we locked eyes again.
DoF - Open Flowers
This shot was taken to express the support of environmental influence on kids. The flowers already open and in bloom have received more of some things than the unopened pods... They received the kisses of sunshine and the tears of rain to support their growth... I don't know... maybe I am just babbling on here... but there seems to be something to this.
My Symbol
This is the symbol of my freedom. It may be the symbol of oppression for others, but I do not control what others do. I wish all people to be as free as me.
Stormy Fountain
A fountain with a storm cloud behind it. I actually find this photo satisfying.
The Baby Girl
Our pride and joy... She is a sweetie pie when she isn't hyperactive. Taken with a Kodak Z740 digital camera.
This was an amazing view and I just had to capture it. For the most part, only people from the Northwest know what Sun Break means. Taken with a Kodak Z740 digital camera
Angry Goose
This is a shot of an angdy goose chasing away another male.
This can be seen at my new flickr site...