Friday, March 16, 2012

Dinner as Delicious Art

I have had this particular dish more times that I can count. It is a traditional Korean dish called Bi Bim Bap.

Bi Bim Bop consists of the following:

  • Anything you want.

That is true. You can really put anything in there you want to. But just to give you an idea of where you can start, here is what is in our Bi Bim Bop:

  • Sticky Rice
  • Fresh Spiniach (not canned)
  • Sugar Snap Peas
  • Carrots
  • Cucumbers
  • Mushrooms
  • Bean Sprouts
  • Beef cooked in Bulgogi Marinade
  • 1 fried egg
  • Rooster Sauce

To prepare this meal, everything but the Bean Sprouts and cucumbers are stir fried in small amounts of Sesame Oil. Don't over cook the veggies. The mushroom should remain firm, the carrots should retain their snap. The spinach should be loose, but not like it is out of a can.

The meat, which could be pork, chicken or beef, should be thinly sliced and cut into bite-size pieces before cooking on a medium-low heat until done. Add the Bulgogi sauce for the last five minutes of cooking the meet.

Cook the eggs how you like them, just remember you need one egg per dish being served.

Once everything is done, leave each ingredient in separate bowls and allow each person to dish their own. To prepare each dish, start with a scoop of sticky rice, and use a spoon to spread the rice up the sides of the bowl. Now add each ingredient to taste. Lay the fried egg on top of it all and add Rooster sauce to your taste. Take a photo of your art, then mix everything together and eat. Yummy.

I once ate this meal for lunch and dinner for week, in the quantity you see here. Without changing my physical activity, I lost 4 pounds that week. So not only is it delicious and beautiful, it is healthy and filling.

Make your own and share your artistic dinner creation.