So I have been sort of down in dumps mentally now for about a month, but that is just who I am from time to time, you know I can't see the glorious beauty of the forest because all of those damn trees are blocking my view. But as a result I have had some very theraputic moments of clarity.
Yesterday I decided that I would walk around my house photograph some of the unique scenery and neighbors going about their daily routines. I ended up shooting a dozen or so shots and thought I would share some of them with you.
That's right folks, I have my own, less annoying, Woody Wood Pecker as a neighbor.
My backyard.... Yup my backyard is actually in black and white... I now know what it would be like live in the 50s... at least that is what the TV has taught me... Color vision was invented shortly before I was born. Is everyone finally upgraded? I have no idea what this is, but it sure was pretty. I love my view. Now this guy is part of triple threat of squirrels that my dog believes is part of a neo-nazi-demon-hybrid-government-conspiracy to aggravate the living hell out of her. Yes, my dog told me this, only she use much fouler language. These beasts from hell (from the mouth of my dog) come to the windows and peek in, climb down the trees just out of reach and stare at our dog, taunting her, just out of reach. But aren't they cute? Oh and yes, this is on our front porch, a mere two feet from our front door. While this might look like a photo I might have taken the day we moved in, it is not. Rather it is our neighbor's backyard. Oh my neighbors are going to hate me; the human neighbors at least. All animal neighbors will love me, simply because I can make them famous. It says so on my business card. Now these two shots are of our property line fence. Fences have always had a strong attraction to me. I am not sure if it is the lines, the personality or the something else, but I love fences... almost to the point of an obsession. If I had my way I would have nothing else in my backyard but rows and rows and rows and rows and rows and rows and rows and rows of different fences. Don't tell my wife please she would never let it be. Fences short, fences tall, stand upon them until fall. Fences wire, fences wood, more fences than I should. Fences high, fences low, all my fences in a row. Sorry that was ode to Dr. Seuss. I guess that tells you how excited I am about being able to see my creative family again, huh. I am pulling Dr. Seuss-esq rhymes out of my ass I am so excited.