Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Butte Creek Falls

South Falls Panorama
I spent the morning with my friend Jim near Scotts Mills, Oregon. He showed me two gorgeous waterfalls called Butte Falls, North and South. The area above Scotts Mills is a diverse of old growth state forest and privately owned farm land. The road then turns to gravel and after another 15 minutes of driving, we came across a little brown sign identifying the Butte Falls trail head and an outhouse. A short hike down the trail, and I mean down, we are at the base of the South Falls. Head North for a ten minute hike that felt a little perilous at times we came to a viewpoint for the North Falls. Needless to say, the area is gorgeous.

Butte Falls - South Falls

Butte Falls - North Falls

Butte Falls - North Falls Panorama

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