It is amazing when you get to work with someone who knows what they're doing, even if they're not sure they do. Christina is a natural. She knows her body, knows her limits and is amazing in front of the camera. Her stamina is astounding as well, as you are about to learn.
It all started at 6:00 PM. We arrive at the studio and Christina breaks out two bags of costumes and props. She shows me all of the outfits and props she brought with her, and that number is in the upper double digits.
At 6:30 we start with simple; goggles and a hat. Head shots are the focus.
You'll notice that the first two images look similar, that's because they are. I shot the second image with intent of producing it into what became the second image. At this point in time, Chris arrived at the studio and joined in the shoot. We kept her busy until 7:30 with the hat and goggles. After that we took a break and discussed the rest of the evening as Nathan showed up. The sun began coming into the studio and it was time to take advantage of that golden light. I fell in love with this mask the minute she pulled it out of the bag. So I took advantage of the natural golden sunlight and the mask... What I was seeing was simply stunning. I made lots of noises as I shot these. Now just to clarify... when things are going well, I don't usually speak, mainly because I can't. Instead, I make noises, like gutteral-animal sounds. There was a lot of these sounds as the mask shots were happening.After Nathan and Chris took their turn in the light, we took another break.
At 9:00 we moved into the studio with a fresh new costume. I took my turn behind the camera. Then Nathan and Chris took their turns. And then I had an idea... I like it when I have ideas and Christina liked the results as well. I bet you can imagine... even more sounds were coming from behind the camera.At 10:00, Christina changes into another costume for a couple of shots.
Yup... That is a skeleton costume and that is a back bridge... something she showed me she could do the very first time we worked together. At 10:25 one last costume change and Chris David took over the shooting role. He had waited all night for this costume which I didn't shoot, but I did paint a mask on Christina's face for it. Let's just say... Wonder Woman would have met her match.At 11:00 we packed up and headed home. Christina was, with the excption of the frequent breaks we took, posing the whole time, hell she was even posing during breaks. I will just say... this young lady can out model three photographers and still have energy to keep going. The best part of working with Christina is that she is so comfortable with herself and she is generous with her time. The fact is that all of the poses you see, that look so good, is just her being herself. When she is forced into a pose, it doesn't look natural, it looks forced.
I have learned through working with Christina that some models have to be posed sometimes to the point of micro managing each and every one of their body parts, but when working with someone like Christina, if you let them do their thing, the magic is natural and free flowing and it shows up in camera. Don't restrict the magic by micromanaging like some cubicle dwelling ass-clown. Let go. Let it happen. When you do the results will come.
Happy birthday Christina. I can't wait to work with you again.
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