Friday, August 20, 2010

Something A Little Lighter

My deepest apologies for yesterday. I was in an extremely foul mood. I am better today. And to prove it, I want to share a little love to world.

10 Reasons I Have To Be Happy:
  1. I can afford to get my car fixed.
  2. I have a wife who loves me dearly.
  3. I have friends who care about me and my welfare.
  4. I am a creative person.
  5. I own and ride a motorcycle.
  6. I have the deep respect for and from my peers; not day job peers mind you.
  7. I am about to make a life change that is for the better.
  8. The hospital called today demanding $14,000 for my wife gallbladder removal in April because my insurance declined payment. I called the insurance and sorted everything out. So I don't owe the hospital $14,000.
  9. I am about to be a key presenter at the state fair photography exhibit along with other members of my photography group.
  10. I got five of the six entries into the state fair.
So as my gift to you, in appreciation for all I have to be happy about, I present and share with you my latest creation.

Photography is about capturing light. What better subject to photograph than light itself.

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